SketchUp Pro – New Skills and More

Skill Builder – Animating a Section Slice

If you’re looking to add some intrigue to your presentations, try section slicing. Learn how to animate a slice through your model by following along with this tutorial on the official SketchUp YouTube channel. Perfect for showing layouts and interiors at a glance.

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A section-slice animation


Watch SketchUp Modeling – Live!

Cast your vote now to help decide what object will be modeled live on Twitch in a few weeks. We’re hoping to see the Great Hall!

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Pop culture props modeled in SketchUp


Reliving 3D Basecamp

In 2020, 3D Basecamp will be stopping in Vancouver. For now, relive 3D Basecamp 2018 over on YouTube.

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3D Basecamp 2018


Low Polygons, Big Worlds

If you want to branch out a little and see what else SketchUp is great for, take a look at this one. Game artist and illustrator, Rodrigo Oliveira Cerci, creates 2D pixel art that starts in SketchUp. Meet his eclectic characters and take a tour of the low-polygon design world.

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A Star War’s Hoth hanger


SketchUp Pro 2018 is available now (including 1 year’s FREE maintenance and support) at CAD Software Direct.